2022075 Ethekwini Coca-Cola Wilson Grand Prix
27th Jun, 2022 - Please note that the semi finals of the singles will be played at westridge on Tuesday morning. The backdraw u14 boys will still be played at cowies hill. doubles semis will be played at cowies hill.
26th Jun, 2022 - Please note the Women's and Girls 16 doubles draws have been merged
26th Jun, 2022 - Please note the venues for u14 players Boys u14 - COWIES HILL Girls u14 - WESTRIDGE
24th Jun, 2022 - eThekwini Wilson Grand Prix Good Day, Thank you for entering into the eThekwini Wilson Grand Prix. We hope your stay is enjoyable. Please read the information carefully Venues Westridge Tennis Stadium (BS12, BS12 Gold, GS12, BS16, GS16, MS, MS Gold, WS) Cowies Hill Tennis Club (BS14, GS14) Cowies Hill Tennis Club Address - 11 Lynton Gardens Place Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 3610 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE GS14 DRAW ONLY WILL BE MOVED BACK TO…
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
GD 16Tennis (Doubles) Unpublished
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)

Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, eThekwini - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4001
South Africa
Durban 3610
South Africa