2023136 KZN Mini Masters
25th Nov, 2023 - Hi All Most of the 8:00am matches are on. Please ensure you start making your way to Westridge for your 9:15am matches. Regards Deirdre
25th Nov, 2023 - HI All Courts are drying fast. If you are at the venue please check in, so that we can get some matches on courts. Thanks Deirdre
25th Nov, 2023 - Hi All It has stopped raining and we are currently drying courts. There will be no play before 11 am. Thanks Deirdre
25th Nov, 2023 - Good Morning Play has been delayed due to the storm. We will update again 9:00. Thanks Deirdre

Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, eThekwini - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4001
South Africa